Blog Archives

The Role of Migration Theory in Egyptology

The Giparu of Ur as a Paradigm for Gender-Related Temple Types in the Ancient Near East

The Many Ethnicities of Avaris: Evidence from the Northern Borderland of Egypt


J. Budka and J. Auenmüller (eds.), From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Individual Households and Cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia, Leiden, 73−92.

The Foreign Trade of Tell el-Dab’a during the Second Intermediate Period: Another Glance at Imported Ceramics under Hyksos Rule


J. Mynářová, M. Kilani and S. Alivernini (eds.), A Stranger in the House – the Crossroads III. Proceedings of an International Conference on Foreigners in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Societies of the Bronze Age held in Prague, September 10−13, 2018, Warsaw, 387−404.

Stable Isotope Analyses to Investigate Hyksos Identity and Origins


M. Bietak and S. Prell (eds.), The Enigma of the Hyksos, Volume I, ASOR Conference Boston 2017 – ICAANE Conference Munich 2018 – Collected Papers, Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant 9, Wiesbaden, 321−338.


Different Aspects of Mobility and Migration during the Middle Kingdom


Egypt and the Levant 29, 331–353

‘One Ticket to Egypt, Please!’ Migration from Western Asia to Egypt in the Early Second Millennium BCE


M. Bietak and S. Prell (eds.), The Enigma of the Hyksos, Volume I, ASOR Conference Boston 2017 – ICAANE Conference Munich 2018 – Collected Papers, Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant 9, Wiesbaden, 209−224.


Macrolithics and the Ongoing Use of Stone Tools in Qantir-Piramesse and Tell el-Dabʿa-Avaris, Eastern Delta/Egypt


A. Squitieri and D. Eitam (eds.), Stone Tools in the Ancient Near East and Egypt. Ground Stone Tools, Rock-cut Installations and Stone Vessels from the Prehistory to Late Antiquity, Oxford, 225−235.

‘Buckle up and Fasten that Belt!’ Metal Belts in the Early and Middle Bronze Age


Egypt and the Levant 29, 301−327.

A Ride to the Netherworld − Bronze Age Equid Burials in the Fertile Crescent


M. Bietak and S. Prell (eds.), The Enigma of the Hyksos, Volume I, ASOR Conference Boston 2017 – ICAANE Conference Munich 2018 – Collected Papers, Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant 9, Wiesbaden, 107−123.