Blog Archives

Looking for Cultural Borders during the Middle Bronze Age in Lebanon: Preliminary Observations


M. Bietak & S. Prell (eds), The Enigma of the Hyksos, vol. IV: Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age. Collected Papers of a Workshop held in Vienna 4th–6th of December 2019, CAENL 12, Wiesbaden 2021, 175–221.

Did the Temple of Serabit el-Khadim Originate from an Aarlier Canaanite Shrine?


N. Buchez & Tristant, Y. (eds), Égypte antérieure: mélanges de préhistoire et d’archéologie offerts à Béatrix Midant-Reynes par ses étudiants, collègues et amis, Leuven, Paris & Bristol, 59–80.

Recent Discussions about the Chronology of the Middle and the Late Bronze Ages in the Eastern Mediterranean, Part II: The End of High Chronology in the Aegean and the Levant?

Bibliotheca Orientalis LXXVII/3/4, 2021, 20–56.

The Spiritual Roots of the Hyksos Elite: An Analysis of their Sacred Architecture, Part II


M. Bietak & S. Prell (eds), The Enigma of the Hyksos, vol. IV: Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age. Collected Papers of a Workshop held in Vienna 4th–6th of December 2019, CAENL 12, Wiesbaden 2021, 121–147.

The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume II. Transforming Egypt into the New Kingdom. The Impact of the Hyksos and Egyptian-Near Eastern Relations, CAENL 10, Wiesbaden 2021.

The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume III. Vorderasiatische Bestattungssitten im Ostdelta Ägyptens – eine Spurensuche, CAENL 11, Wiesbaden 2021.

The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume IV. Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age. Collected Papers of a Workshop held in Vienna 4th−6th of December 2019, CAENL 12, Wiesbaden 2021.

The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume V. Zwischen den Zeiten. Überlegungen zum Ende der drei Reiche im alten Ägypten, CAENL 13, Wiesbaden 2021.