ASOR 2016 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas 16. – 19. November 2016

The annual ASOR (the American School of Oriental Research) Conference was held in a resort hotel in San Antonio, where Prof. Bietak gave two presentations (one in the Workshop Exodus Sojourn and Exodus from Egyptological Perspective and the other in the Chronology of Middle Bronze Age in the Levant – Tell el-Dab‘a and Chronology). Both relevant to the ERC project and it was also a platform where he could talk about the project’s work and the envisaged outcomes. He was able to meet many people amongst them, Prof. Thomas Levy from the UC San Diego and Dr. Lindy Crew, the new director of the Cypriot-American Research Centre in Nicosia. Prof. Bietak also got to know one of the project’s potential candidates of the Postdoc application process, Dr. David Falk from the UBC in Vancouver.