Subcontract (SC4) for cultural matrix of the MB in Lebanon and Syria

The ERC Advanced Grant “The Hyksos Enigma” at the Host Institution the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) – Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA), funded by the European Research Council (ERC), is offering a subcontract for studies on the cultural matrix of the Middle Bronze Age in Lebanon and Syria.

Project Background: This project seeks to shed light on a very obscure and little understood part in Egyptian history, the so called Hyksos Period and its prelude (c. 1750-1530 BC), during which Egypt was confronted with two heretofore unparalleled phenomena: an influx of a substantial foreign population and – probably as a result – the rule of a foreign dynasty over large parts of Egypt.

Statement of Work

  • Provision of a comprehensive in-depth study/analysis of the available source material about the cultural matrix of the MB in Coastal Syria, the Orontes Valley and the Lebanon.
  • Compilation of a catalogue of ‘Leittypen’ concerning artefacts, architecture and funerary customs.
  • Definition of regional cultural provinces and assessment of cultural differentiation according to material culture.
  • Assessing cultural differentiation of the MB in the Lebanon and Syria.


  • PhD in Near Eastern Archaeology or a closely related field.
  • Intimate knowledge of the archaeology and material culture of Syria and Lebanon, especiallyin the MB.
  • Substantial archaeological experience in the area including knowledge of modernarchaeological methods.
  • Experience with processing, recording and studying artefacts.

Start/end dates

As soon as possible/delivery of work latest by 31.12.2019

Contact Person and Grant Holder

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Bietak, OREA Austrian Academy of Sciences


Submission Papers should include:

a detailed CV, a publication list, a brief statement of past achievements and research interests as well as a proposal outlining a short work plan and estimated schedule for delivery of work. Price/fee please quote in EUR currency.

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